Swirl Line Tutorial

[ 26-08-2014 - 20:52:25 ]

Hi everyone.
This is my first tutor here. Let me show you how to make a swirl line and put in on the picture.

First, we need to make a swirl line. Follow the steps~

1. File > New.

2. Oh, set the foreground color first for the swirl color.

3. Let's make curves line with pencil tool on the Layer 1.

4. Then, right click > Stroke Path > Brush.

5. Add new Layer as Layer 2.

Drag it under the Layer 1, then fill it with black color. It will be a background for clear preview(?)

6. Press CTRL + J button on the Layer 1 to copy it. Drag the Layer 1 copy under the Layer 1.
Click Filter > Blur > Motion Blur on the Layer 1 copy. Follow this.

And, click Filter again > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

7. Now right click on the Layer 1 > Blending Options > Inner Glow.

Delete the Layer 2. And this is the result.

So, let's put it on the picture. You can resize it later.
Note : Layer 1 is the Layer of Sehun, and Layer 2 is the Layer of the swirl line.

1. Follow the instruction below.

2. This is the last step.

So, it's not difficult.

You can ask me for questions if you're not understand. Bye~

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